Guy Bucknall
A few examples of some of the projects that Guy has been involved in recently.

RepKnight Ltd
RepKnight were at a proof of concept stage with their software platform and needed to make that next step to commercialisation.
Guy developed the initial launch plan and with the founder and CEO, he worked up the initial commercial deal with HM Government that set the business off on its very steep trajectory.
The business is now one of the world’s leading cyber intelligence platforms with major clients on four continents.
Mesh Marketing
Mesh Marketing, one of the UK’s leading Shopper Marketing agencies, had rapidly expanded over the previous 18 months. Stressed account handlers in one particular area of the business had slipped into a constant firefighting mode. The usual excellent quality of client service was beginning to suffer and the two major clients were rapidly losing patience.
By first taking a strategic view and then dealing with the micro detail we turned the situation around very successfully. Both clients are still with Mesh today.
NISP Springboard
NISP Connect Springboard provides a tough love programme to high growth potential innovations through an in-business peer coaching process, uniquely tailored for each company. Guy specialises in marketing assessments and advice.
He is particularly involved in the Generation Innovation project and has recently become a shareholding mentor in one of its graduate companies.
Squared Online
Squared Online is the multi award winning digital marketing course for ambitious digital marketing professionals developed in partnership with Google.
Built and delivered by the best international practitioners, graduates can consider themselves at the leading edge of digital marketing strategic thinking.
Guy joined the Squared Online community in 2015 and has recently been invited to continue his professional development with the same team by completing his Diploma in Digital Business Leadership.